Focus groups can help shed light on gender dynamics in livestock farming.

❓ Do you wish to better understand gender dynamics in your livestock development projects?
❓ Do you want to get behind the quantitative data understand why certain changes have occurred?

This set of six videos demonstrate a fictional focus group discussion among different men and women working in Kenya’s livestock sector.

The videos were developed for the Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) network by SEBI-Livestock and the SheVax+ project. SheVax+ is part of IDRC’s Livestock Vaccine Innovation Fund’s cohort of Gender and Veterinary Vaccine projects.

WATCH ON YOUTUBE ▶ How to hold a focus group discussion to understand the value of women in livestock

READ ON LIVESTOCKDATA.ORG 📖  How focus groups can help explore the ‘why’ in gender and livestock


  • How would you use a focus group in your project?
  • What would you hope to discover through a focus group? 
  • Have you used focus groups before? What are your top tips?

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